Classes and Courses
Introduction to the Film Industry Course

You are about to step into one of the most fulfilling industries in the world; an industry where hundreds of people work together to realize a singular vision; an industry where unlimited creativity and advanced technologies intersect; an industry that strives to manufacture moments that evoke an emotion on screen. But to achieve these results, the film industry is one of long ... to continue reading, click Learn More.
Art Department Certification Course

The art department on a movie or tv show is responsible for creating the world in which the story takes place. From designing and building the sets to constructing props, the art department is one of the largest, most scalable departments on set.
Headed by the production designer and managed by the art director, the art department interprets the director’s vision into th... to continue reading, click Learn More.
Assistant Director Department Certification Course

The first assistant director (or 1st AD) is a member of the assistant director department, also referred to as the production department. The assistant directors manage the day-to-day operations of the set, ensuring each department, crew person, and actor are where they need to be for filming to continue.
If the producers are tasked with getting all the people, equipment, an... to continue reading, click Learn More.
Audio Department Certification Course

In a motion pictures, the “picture” part is only half of the audience’s experience. The other half is the sound, and the quality of the sound recorded on set can mean the difference between a distracting, poor-quality audio that pulls the audience out of the moment, and an engaging visceral experience that draws the viewers into the world you are creating.
... to continue reading, click Learn More.
Camera Department Certification Course

The camera is the window that connects the audience to the world of the story, creating an emotional tone through the technical settings of focus, exposure, shutter speeds, lens choice, and camera movement. The camera crew on a television or feature film set is responsible for building, moving, and operating the camera, translating the cinematographer’s vision into the movie ... to continue reading, click Learn More.
Electric Department Certification Course

The electric department on a television show or movie is responsible for setting up and creating light, running and managing power throughout the set, and coordinating rigging with the grip department. Run by the gaffer and reporting to the cinematographer, the electric department lights the actors and the set to invoke an emotional response in the audience.
In this comprehe... to continue reading, click Learn More.
Film Directing Certification Course

As a director, you are the master storyteller, tasked with interpreting the script into a visually entertaining story that can be produced within the time and budgetary restrictions of the production.
From working with the actors to achieve the desired performance to planning the shots and flow of each scene, the director’s artistic vision touches every aspect of the filmm... to continue reading, click Learn More.
Grip Department Certification Course

Grips are the rigging masters on set, placing points and support for lighting instruments, building camera supports, shaping and cutting light, and working side by side with the electricians.
In the Professional Grip and Rigging Course, we partnered with leading Hollywood grips and manufacturers of the gear used on professional sets to teach you the skills and techniques to ... to continue reading, click Learn More.
Locations Department Certification Course

Movies and television shows are either shot on a set, constructed on a sound stage or on location. Shooting on location provides a variety of challenges, including finding viable locations that suit the creative and technical needs of the production, negotiating agreeable terms with the location owner, managing permits and municipal requirements, coordinating shooting events wi... to continue reading, click Learn More.
On Set Safety Certification Course

As filmmakers, it’s easy to feel we are impervious to injury and even death; that somehow, the protective bubble of both the filmmaking process insulates us from accidents. Unfortunately, in the real world, we know the laws of physics - gravity, electricity, momentum - apply to everyone; as does the unstoppable force of our legal system. Tragically, dozens of filmmakers have ... to continue reading, click Learn More.
Producing Department Certification Course

Producing is the business of movie making, assembling the raw talent, equipment, and resources for the director to build their vision on the set. Producers constantly strive to balance the director’s artistic desire with the limitations of the shooting schedule and budget, addressing challenges on location, and juggling schedules of cast and crew. But challenges alwa... to continue reading, click Learn More.
Professional Screenwriting Certification Course

A great movie is made from a great script. No matter how big the budget, how engaging the performances, or how spectacular the visual effects, a poorly-written script erodes the foundation of the movie before you even start to shoot it.
In the Professional Screenwriting Course, you will learn the step-by-step process of writing a script from top Hollywood w... to continue reading, click Learn More.
In the Professional Screenwriting Course, you will learn the step-by-step process of writing a script from top Hollywood w... to continue reading, click Learn More.